Our Antibacterial Activities

Let’s take a stand against antibiotic resistance

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has awakened the world to the critical need for rapid development of vaccines and antiviral treatments against infectious diseases. But there is an even larger threat lurking behind the current outbreak, one that is already killing hundreds of thousands of people around the world and that will complicate the care of many patients across pathologies. It is the hidden threat from antibiotic resistance — bacteria that are not killed by standard antibiotics. Unfortunately, in the pharmaceutical industry as a whole, the pipeline of drugs to manage these deadly infections has nearly run dry.

Debiopharm is at the frontline of this fight with advanced research against multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria (e.g. Staphylococcus spp., Acinetobacter). We recognize that the development of novel antibiotic therapies today can help the world be better prepared for resistant bacterial infections of the future. Debiopharm is honored to be working on one of the few new antibiotic classes in development – the Fabl inhibitor class. This family of narrow-spectrum antiobiotics combine very potent activity against specific pathogens while reducing the selective pressure on other bacterial strains and sparing the microbiome.

Debio 1454

Fabl Inhibitor – enteric species

Debio 1454 is being developed to target a combination of enteric bacterial species including A. baumannii, Enterobacter Spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae and E.coli. In 2019, Debiopharm was awarded funding from the Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Biopharmaceutical Accelerator (CARB-X) in the US to advance the development of the Debio 1454 antibiotic program targeting the multidrug resistant superbug A. baumannii, a principal cause of highly resistant nosocomial-pneumonia and one of the priority 1 critical pathogens identified by the WHO.

Debio 1453

Fabl Inhibitor – N. gonorrhoeae

Debio 1453 is an antibiotic program specifically targeting N. gonorrhoeae.  These bacteria have an expanding history of microbial drug resistance, making previously effective treatments soon obsolete. The ongoing research focus of Debiopharm, also funded by CARBX, is advancing to optimize lead molecules in order to select a specific drug candidate best suited to address the urgent medical need due to widespread antimicrobial resistance of N. gonorrhoeae.

Debio 1450

Fabl Inhibitor – staphylococci

Afabicin is a first-in-class FabI inhibitor with targeted activity on staphylococci strains resistant to antibiotics, currently in clinical use including beta lactams, vancomycin, daptomycin or linezolid. The antibiotic, currently in Phase II research for patients with Bone & Joint infections (BJIs) caused by staphylococci, was designed to tackle several hard-to-treat infections. With both oral and IV formulations, this highly potent, staphylococcus-selective antibiotic has a low capacity to allow the emergence of resistance.