New sample preparation method enabling PCR-based pathogen identification directly from blood to accelerate blood stream infection (BSI) diagnosis

Ann Huletsky 1,2, Martine Bastien1,2, Marie-Claude Hélie1,2, Rana Daher1,2, Marthe Bernier1,2, Isabelle Chabot1,2, Sylvie Trottier1,2, Julie Bestman-Smith2, Louise Deschênes2, Denis Robichon3, Guennaëlle Dieppois3, Michel G. Bergeron1,2

  1. Centre de recherche en infectiologie and
  2. Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université Laval, Québec City, Québec, Canada,
  3. Debiopharm International SA, Forum “après-demain”, Chemin Messidor 5-7, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland