Tune Insight secures €1.8m for revolutionary pediatric cybersecurity project

Our portfolio company, Tune insight,  a Swiss cybersecurity startup, was awarded a 1.8 million euro Eurostars project to securely connect emergency pediatric departments to improve health outcomes of the vulnerable population of acutely ill and injured children across countries and continents, along with Italian and Swiss hospitals from the pediatric emergency research network (PERN), including Insel Gruppe Spital in Bern, Switzerland, and University Hospital of Padova, Italy, plus Italian SME DataRiver.

With the project, Tune Insight and its partners will overcome the lack of large, international, collaborative data pipelines from complex health data. We will tackle this issue through the development, deployment, and validation of a privacy-preserving federated learning platform for patient-centered research in pediatric emergency medicine.

 We are very excited to collaborate with Tune Insight in this project. Their outstanding work with Swiss hospitals showed that their secure software solution opens a new era for secure data collaborations in healthcare. We are looking forward to applying it to pediatric emergency care across hospitals in different jurisdictions, to advance quality of care for children through advanced analytics and machine learning.

said Dr. Silvia Bressan PERN chair (University of Padova, Italy).

Click here to access their full press release